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TCYP Member Spotlight – Meg O’Connor

What is your day job?

Inside Sales Consultant at TentCraft

How long have you lived in the Grand Traverse area?

I’ve lived in Traverse City my whole life.

What is your favorite thing about living/working in the Traverse City area?

Being so close to the water and the community that the Traverse City area offers.

What do you do for fun?

Spending time with friends and drumming and singing.

How do you get involved in the community?

I serve quite a bit at my church here in TC where we also help nonprofits such as GoodWill Inn.

What is your favorite local business (restaurant, shop, service,etc.) and why?

Randy’s Diner is my favorite local business because I grew up going there with my family, mostly my dad. He would take me there for father/ daughter dates and we still do that to this day. Randy is always sure to stop by our table and say hi. It’s a really special place to me.

What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

I was a DJ for one night for a wedding. It wasn’t super weird but I was shadowing a professional DJ and it was weird to see a wedding from that side of it.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

My dad is from New Zealand, making me an ‘AmeriKiwi’ (their national bird is a Kiwi bird).

What is something you learned in the last week?

When dogs are excited and they ‘sneeze’ it’s to let you know that they aren’t being aggressive but having fun and playing.

How can other TCYP members support you (personally or professionally)?

Connect with me on LinkedIn! Also, if you like to laugh, my TikToks are pretty great so give me a follow on there! @marge_o