What is your day job?
Marketing Manager at Britten Inc.
How long have you lived in the Grand Traverse area?
Two years
What is your favorite thing about living/working in the Traverse City area?
The lifestyle! I love the (small) city feel mixed with nature landscape. Best of both worlds!
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy biking, hiking, boating, traveling, spending time with friends and family.
How do you get involved in the community?
I try to attend YP networking events every month, Impact100 TC events, and Michigan Creative Coast events. Open to finidng new volunteering opportunities!
What is your favorite local business (restaurant, shop, service,etc.) and why?
I love going to the TC Farmers Market or The Flying Noodle for dinner!
What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
I cannot think of a weird job I had! All have been a joy.
Tell us something that might surprise us about you.
I have been to tweleve different countries! My favorite was Italy or Austraila.
What is something you learned in the last week?
Brook Trout aren’t actually trout. They are a species of a Char.
How can other TCYP members support you (personally or professionally)?
I appreciate the continuous networking opportunities that allow me to meet new people! Let’s connect.